Welcome to the Ston Easton Parish website

You'll find lots of local news here, and there's plenty more information to explore via the menu at the top.

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Parish Council Meeting

Thursday 16th January, 7.30pm, Clapton Village Hall

New collection times

Our postbox collection times have changed, and not for the better!

Community SpeedWatch

Watch your speed!
Community SpeedWatch is now active in the village.

Renovated Phonebox

What a transformation! Ston Easton's old phonebox restored

Community Speed Watch (CSW)

Let's get a Community Speed Watch Scheme in Ston Easton.

Traffic Management and Road Safety

An open letter from Ashley Ayre.

Clapton and Ston Easton Footpaths

A report from Anne Huckle, our Parish Path Liaison Officer.

Annual Parish Meetings

Thursday 27 May, 7.30pm, Ston Easton Village Hall.
Come and meet your councillors, and raise any issues of concern.

Ston Easton Village Hall AGM

Join our virtual AGM via Zoom!

Litter Pick Weekend

Great community spirit in Ston Easton & Clapton.

Co-option of Councillor

Could YOU be a Parish Councillor?
Applications by Tuesday 23 March 2021.

Village Hall Car Park Overhaul

Restoring the car park to its former glory!

More hall improvements

Handrails for the veranda steps, and a new planter at the front.

It's back in service

After seven months we can once again post letters in Ston Easton.


At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.

Children in Need

Sponsor Graham on his Children in Need fundraiser!

It's back!

The village postbox is back, but we still can't use it.

Village Hall Progress

Village volunteers continue with the village hall makeover

Our New Sign

The new Village Hall name sign has arrived!

New Veranda Taking Shape

Old rotten wood gone, railings repaired, new paint - it's starting to look good again.

More Plants for the Hall

Many thanks to George's Garden for a lovely donation!

Village Hall Colour

A bit of colour brightening up the village hall

Play Area Reopens

Great news!
The play area reopens on Saturday 4th July.

The Main Road

What can we do?
An open letter from Ele Nash.

Mendip's Active Travel Plans

Mendip's 'active travel' plans put walking and cycling at its heart

Local Plants for Charity

One of our villagers sells surplus plants for a local charity. Have a look at what's available.

Somerset Coronavirus Helpline

Find out what's available from the Somerset Coronavirus helpline.

Plant Swap Wednesdays!

Plant swap outside the Village Hall. Please observe social distancing rules!

Postbox Update

Latest news is that it will be replaced - eventually...

MUGA Reopens

MUGA court is now open again for the use of tennis ONLY

VE Day Celebrations

Happy VE Day everyone!
Show us your bunting!

Playing Field Grass

You may have noticed that the grass hasn't been cut for a while. Here's why.

Postbox Missing!

Our postbox has disappeared. Here's what we know so far...

Village Hall Progress

Your new village hall committee hasn't been idle! See what's already been achieved.

New Village Hall Committee

All change at the Village Hall! New committee, new makeover.
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